about prom[p]t journaling sets
“I found the prompts to be helpful as a journaling tool. I was able to let go of pre-conceived ideas of what I needed to write about and allowed the prompts to help me write about things I was holding on to and had a difficult time expressing. The set of cards are therapeutic and spiritually awakening.”
-Lori F. 02/2019
“The Prom[p]t Journaling cards are thought provoking and soul searching. This process has allowed me an awareness of some negative self talk and behaviors I need to let go of. Prom[p]t Journaling, (by connecting me to my inner spiritual guide) has helped me clarify strengths and choices I have to set new intentions. One of the beautiful “side effects”, I have found, has been the ability to meditate. After trying many methods to meditate, I found that at the end of the day looking at the Prom[p]t card one more time allows me to release the journaling I’ve done and open for more guidance if needed. Then with calm mind I am able to meditate. Prom[p]t is a powerful tool to make a daily commitment to for awareness, healing and growth.”
-Diane M. 02/2019
“They are amazing!”
-focus group participant 09/2018
“It really helped me a lot to start thinking and writing.”
-focus group participant 07/2018
“I was worried I wouldn’t have anything to write about with mine. And as I went on it started to flow easily.”
-focus group participant 07/2018
about Prom[p]t connect journal circles
“Gave me a better understanding of myself.”
-focus group participant 09/2018
“Loved the group dynamic. Thought it took journaling deeper.”
-focus group participant 09/2018
“Very impressed. Totally new awareness of my thought process.”
-focus group participant 07/2018